Words That Pierce

One of the most eloquent social commentators to emerge in recent years has been Neil Oliver, the Scottish historian. You might know him from his worthy of watching programs - Coast New Zealand, Coast Australia, Rise of the Clans, Blood of the Clans, The Celts: Blood Iron and Sacrifice, A History of Scotland and more.

He has a way of communicating that is poignant, poetic and piercing. He's mesmerising as he weaves stories of history and literature together helping us understand what we're living through now.

Close your eyes and just listen to his words and soft Scottish burr. He unashamedly challenges, refusing to buckle and conform. He's become something of a beacon of freedom and inspiration for many.

While he often talks about the UK situation, what he's saying transcends geographic boundaries. If you haven't yet discovered this gem of a human being, please allow me to share.

In this 10 minute YouTube video he asks, Is someone out there is using Orwell’s work not as a warning, but as an owner’s manual? He wonders if Orwell was actually a time traveller given his prescience and what is now unfolding in the 21st Century.