Major Risk For Little Benefit

Dr John Campbell, for those who might not know of him, is a British Nurse Educator with his own YouTube channel that has over 2 million subscribers. He's just posted a video going through a prospective study out of Thailand showing 29.24% cardiovascular effects in the 301 jabbed youths who took part. Watch it while you can, especially if you have children or grandchildren because, going by past form, I wouldn't be surprised if YouTube (owned by Google) disappears it.

John Campbell is usually extremely careful in the words he uses for this reason. Often it's his expression that gives him away on what he really thinks. I have seen the look of dismay, disgust and even pain. Before you go trotting out the propaganda to label him as one of those terrible 'anti-vaxxers', Dr Campbell chose to get vaccinated early on but as the research and science has come in his position has shifted. This is the difference between science and dogma. What we're getting from politicians, medical bureaucrats and their media sycophants is arse covering dogma!

Screenshot 16/08/2022

This study is still in pre-print (not yet peer reviewed) but as John Campbell says, given the findings of this well designed, albeit smallish study, Governments in his view should be reviewing and revising their recommendations. He can't see any reason why this paper wouldn't get through peer review (I would add unless it becomes political arse covering and pressure is put on the publishing journal). The Thai study uses objective medical measures at both ends of the study - it is not a subjective, self-reporting after the fact or anecdotal style study.

All the participants in the Thai research were fully medically assessed before participating, including use of ECG. This established a baseline that all participants were completely healthy prior to being jabbed. They received the same clinical tests afterwards. This research looked at impacts of the primary dose only. Consider that we now have young people getting boosters. With every jab the risk increases.

The important point to make up front is that young healthy people were not at high risk from earlier more pathogenic strains of this virus. They're even less at risk from mild Omicron. Yet the Government and media are continuing to push a narrative for jabbing young people?

While the participants impacted in this Thai study (especially from myocarditis) did recover, John Campbell's concern is with those adolescents with sub-clinical effects - they might have mild inflammation but little or no symptoms. Physical activity may aggravate a condition that patients are unaware of, resulting in a serious outcome - cardiac arrest, for example. He recommends that young people who have had the jab should be monitored and refrain from strenuous activity following the jab.

Recently there was a story in NZ about the 12 year old school student who collapsed during a run and later died. Given this new research it is reasonable to ask if she was jabbed? If yes, is this being considered by the coroner as a possible cause? If yes, will they be honest/transparent about it? Other countries do collect this temporarily relevant data. We know that currently New Zealand does not collect jab status of people dying (see Guy Hatchard here).

My question is: Are parents being given the most up-to-date information regarding risks versus benefits?

Dr Campbell strongly questions why healthy young people are receiving the same medical recommendation as elderly people with multiple co-morbidities, when clearly the risk/benefit analysis is completely different. Let me repeat. Healthy young people are not at risk from Omicron. This study suggests unacceptably high risk from the COVID vaccines however. Using the questionable rationale of doing it to "save Granny" is what it is. Emotional blackmail and disgraceful manipulation of young people who are vulnerable to both underhanded pressure tactics. The jabs do not stop you getting nor transmitting the virus as all the double and triple jabbed are finding.

Dr Campbell has covered risk of myocarditis more generally in an earlier video where he was asked by a viewer to look at a news report and the study it was based on.

Good question. Why isn't our media covering 'the science'?

Here's a link to that research, which our media won't cover whilst being paid to repeat "safe and effective". The graph below from this research clearly shows that those most at risk of myocarditis are the 12 - 23 year olds. Consider that multiple Northern European countries stopped the use of the Moderna jab in people under 30 because of elevated risk of heart inflammation.

Further, we know from the Pfizer documents that Pfizer decided against the bigger 100 microgram dose, opting instead for smaller first dose and then larger second dose, because it showed elevated risk of heart inflammation. 100 micrograms is the dose Moderna opted for in their one dose regime.

Other research carried out in France following their vaccination campaign found the following:

We find that vaccination with both mRNA vaccines was associated with an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis within the first week after vaccination. The associations were particularly pronounced after the second dose, and were evident in both males and females. We found a trend of increased risks towards younger age groups but a significant risk was also found in males over 30 years to develop myocarditis and in females over 30 years to develop a pericarditis after vaccination.

At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos (A.K.A; gabfest for the wealthy, globalist technocratic elite who fly in on their private jets to discuss how the little people "will own nothing and be happy" , swapping our burgers for eating bugs), Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel lamented that, shock horror, he was in the process of dumping 30 million doses of his vaccine. He couldn't give it away despite ringing embassies all over the world.

What would cause such a drastic action and why were there no takers? It wasn't so long ago that clever-class pundits were wailing about the wealthy West hogging life saving medications and demanding we share them with the poorer nations, such as in Africa. Perhaps the information revealed in the Pfizer trial docs has found its way to medical advisors in these nations? Alternatively, it might be that poorer nations actually dodged the proverbial bullet. They predominantly now have superior natural immunity. Are they watching the alarming excess all cause mortality and reinfection rate statistics in highly vaccinated countries?

I'm going to cover these numbers in a subsequent post as it deserves more than passing reference and backs up the anecdotal evidence I've included below.

So what do the Pfizer documents tell us about cardiovascular Adverse Events of Special Interest? During the clinical trials we know that there were 1441 relevant cardiovascular events of which 946 were serious (see below) with the onset being between 24 hours and 21 days.  From the screenshot below: Tachycardia (1098), Arrhythmia (102), Myocardial infarction (89), Cardiac failure (80), Acute myocardial infarction (41), Cardiac failure acute (11) Cardiogenic shock and Postural orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome (7 each) and Coronary artery disease (6).

By the end of the 2 month trials (see page 17 here) 136 of those people had died 767 were resolved/resolving, 21 resolved with sequelae (meaning a condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury), 140 were not resolved and 380 were unknown.  The conclusion was "[s]urveillance will continue".

Weren't we told the trials were finished and definitive?

Given allegations of shoddy clinical research practices, any data in the Pfizer documents have to be treated with caution. This is why the independent research now emerging is so critical.

Medical people are being gagged from publicly telling the truth.

The research coming out now corroborates the experience of people like David above who posted to John Campbell's video covering the Thai research. I see posts like this everywhere on social media and it's tragic that often they get viciously trolled by the malignant and brainwashed. Scroll down the huge number of comments on John's videos and you'll see hundreds of people sharing their own/family or friend's concerning health experiences after the jabs.

These first hand experience posts may be anecdotal but many are observations from people who are medical doctors/nurses or paramedics or have family who are. I've even seen posts from people who work in the funeral business saying much the same thing, including the alarming increased demand for small coffins more recently. I'm hopeful that one day a curious masters or doctoral student will do the research on funeral homes to confirm this.

Medical people are inside the system but are under threat of losing jobs or license to practice if they speak out - be it in NZ or UK or America. I'll finish this blog with some screenshots to illustrate. The good news is whistleblower witness accounts are being systematically recorded in New Zealand. Note the accusations that adverse events aren't being systematically recorded. This allows the Government and medical bureaucracy to continue to claim they're 'rare'.