4 min read

The Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Documents

They tried to keep the clinical trial documents hidden for a reason! What the documents are shedding light on is that caution in having the novel medication was justified.
The Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Documents
This is where to find the Pfizer clinical trial documents - link provided below.

The corporate misleadia isn't covering the release of thousands of pages of trial data that Pfizer and the FDA were forced to hand over. That's no accident. The corporate misleadia are culpable in uncritically pushing a novel medicine at the Government's direction. They also deliberately slandered anyone who had the temerity to question or exercise caution, including with patients.

What the Pfizer trial documents are showing is that caution was wholly justified!

From Lawyers for Justice site. In January 2022 a federal judge in Texas ruled that:

the FDA must by the end of this month make public 12,000 pages of the data it used to make decisions about approvals for Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine — and then release 55,000 pages every 30 days after that until all 450,000 requested pages are public.
The request for FDA’s Pfizer/BioNTech data flows from an August 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the nonprofit group Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), filed just after the FDA granted full approval to the vaccine for people 16 and older.

You can view the actual Pfizer documents here. I'll be referring to them and using screenshots as evidence in subsequent articles. I do this to ward of the automatic (and inane) accusations of "tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, haw haw". I'll attempt to keep it short and digestible.

These are documents that the FDA, and no doubt Pfizer, wanted to keep hidden by only releasing 500 pages per month. They protested that it wasn't possible to release any faster. At that rate it would have taken 75 years to release all the information. What the documents are shedding light on is that they wanted to keep this information away from public scrutiny for a reason!

Since the documents are now being handed over, as court ordered, it shows that the real motive for the 500 page drip feed was to delay the inevitable. So much so that by the time all documents were released, and I'm guessing with most damning left til last, the people responsible would be long gone and not able to be held accountable.

What the corporate misleadia also isn't telling you is that there are now close to 300 lawyers all over these documents in the US. They're backed by a huge task-force of medical and scientific volunteers from all over the world. This includes what we already know courtesy of a whistle-blower who documented shoddy trial procedure in the esteemed British Medical Journal.

Added context is that Pfizer has an awful track record in misleading and dangerous products and takes the gong for the "largest health care fraud settlement in history."

If the lawyers can prove that Pfizer misled on the safety and efficacy of their product, then any profits Pfizer made will go up in litigation smoke in the next few years. The indemnity clauses won't save them. Sadly, that's no real consolation for the now hundreds of thousands harmed. The type of adverse effects and how many harmed, including seriously are actually listed in the Pfizer trial documents. This makes a mockery of Government and corporate misleadia denials that the potential for harm was real and significant!

Here's the first FACT you need to know about these documents. Pfizer and the FDA redacted information on the total number of people who took part in the clinical trials. The only reason they would do this is to obscure the exact rate of harm.

Reason tells me that if this figure had worked in their favour and actually confirmed the "safe and effective" mantra, then they wouldn't have redacted that piece of information! I would not be surprised to learn of on-going legal action to get that information un-redacted.

We already know the jab wasn't as efficacious as promoted. It was first billed as one and done to herd immunity and freedom. Now it's two, three, four and still we have citizens lining up for more? There have been many scientific studies showing the waning efficacy of these medications. This body of research is only expanding. In a literature review of 16 studies into vaccine efficacy, Dr Paul Alexander (epidemiologist) concluded the following:

Covid vaccines should not be expected to contribute to eliminating the communal spread of the virus or the reaching of herd immunity. This unravels the rationale for vaccine mandates and passports.

The jab does not stop you getting, nor transmitting the virus!  Ministry of Health data is showing that double and triple vaxxed are still ending up in hospital and dying. They seem to have disappeared the handy tables that also gave deaths by vaccination status - the last screenshot I used was in this article here. Below is a screenshot of Northern Region hospital data taken 27th May 2022.

This makes the active discrimination against unvaxxed look exactly what it is - arbitrary persecution. It's not just nasty but quite sick and should be rejected by any thinking New Zealander, with a moral compass still in-tact! This discrimination is happening, for example, with recruiters and large businesses requiring vax status to be uploaded in their HR systems. No vax status = no interview.

What is now coming to light as a result of access to the Pfizer trial documents can only lead to the conclusion that the people of New Zealand were given (in many cases coerced into having) a novel medication that was also far from safe.