Take That, Jacinda!

Today I did something I haven't done in a very long time. I took matters into my own hands and ended months of hiding the greys with Magic Retouch. While a great product to tide you over in-between visits to the hairdresser, after 5 months it wasn’t cutting it. As for those brown stained pillowcases that should be white? Ugh!

Yep, I got a home colour kit from the supermarket. I donned the gloves, mixed and shook, then took a deep breath before applying. Who knew what the result would be? Surely it couldn’t be as bad as the current state-of-affairs? It might be Christmas coming up but the only place where tinsel belongs is on a tree. Desperate times called for desperate measures!

To my huge, and let me emphasise HUGE, relief I was quite chuffed with the result. I feel more like my old self.

Now, before you go thinking this is merely some puff piece on girl stuff, there is a serious side to this. I desperately miss my hairdresser, this is true. It was my one little luxury every six weeks. This little luxury is something the New Zealand Government is determined to withhold, unless of course I do as I’m told.

Hairdressers, educators, heath care workers etc, have been deemed close contact industries by the New Zealand Government. If they want to exercise their right to choose, they will be shut down - if they hadn’t folded already after months in lockdown. Coming down the pipe for the rest of us is the threat of passports. Kind of like the CCP’s Social Credit System that will punish us naughty and rebellious types.

Here’s the thing. When you resort to coercion people inevitably find another way around. It becomes a matter of principle. In addition to a strong desire to tell Jacinda just where to shove it, I’m thinking about how much money I’ll save each year not visiting the hairdresser.

Sadly, most hairdressers are small businesses that rely on people like me to spend a fair chunk of money using their services. Given the vaccine has limited durability and doesn’t stop people from getting the virus, with vaccinated people able to spread it just as easily, this is the double whammy of authoritarianism in action.