No Amnesty, No Quarter!

Surprise, surprise...not! The Atlantic has published an article by Dr. Emily Oster, an economist at Brown University. She's preaching forgiveness. Her article reads like a confessional. She admits to following the arbitrary dictates of the Government. She proudly wore her homemade cloth masks (they were no more effective than a tissue). She recounts the story of her (terrified?) and masked-up kids being so indoctrinated they screamed at another child, "social distancing", whilst on an outdoor hike... in the middle of nowhere, in the fresh air, where the virus doesn't spread, when it was already evident healthy kids weren't at risk... I also feel for the other child and do hope the parents took them aside and explained that fear and propaganda make people do silly things.

I can agree with Emily that a lot of people did a lot of bizarre things because their Government told them to and enforced this using police. For a while there I grudgingly wore a surgical mask, knowing full-well it was designed to stop bacteria and not the much smaller virus that simply passes right through. Like many people, I just wanted to get the groceries without being publicly bullied. I stopped wearing the mask well before the New Zealand Government finally dropped this stupid requirement. I was interested to see how many people would cling to them like some sort of security blanket. My estimate is around 5%.

To show her credentials as not completely captive, Oster mentions the devastating effect on children of lockdowns in both health and education, saying she personally stood against the lengthy shutting down of schools. Well good on her! She probably saw the impact on her own children. Imagine the kids who were already struggling with school curriculums in impoverished areas. They didn't have well-off, educated, laptop-class parents who could work from home. Devastating!

Now Emily Oster believes it's time we all move on and let bygones be bygones, because it's preventing us from building back and moving forward. She writes the following:

The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing.

Oster notes that other routine childhood vaccinations are down but feels that "[r]ather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up."

So there it is. It's what I've been expecting. The call to just move on. Make no mistake, publications like The Atlantic are read by the well-heeled, permanent political class in the US, many of whom are on digital record having lost their collective minds. The COVID narrative is unravelling, data and research coming in and they know there's a reckoning coming.

If the Republicans get control following the midterms next week, there will be aggressive investigations. This will include into the links between Government departments in the Biden Administration and what looks like collusion with both media and Big Tech. There will be consequences especially if it is found that the Government used third parties to breach America's Constitution and 1st Amendment Rights.

In Watching Dominoes Fall I talked about the role of Dr. Fauci in the last two - three years, and before. There's too much damning evidence for this to be swept under the carpet so we can all move on. Furthermore, the Republicans are on notice that their base are in no mood for a charade, with made for TV theatre 'investigations' that have no teeth, no consequences.

It wasn't "a hefty element of luck", which enabled many of us to "get it right" as Dr. Oster seems to think. It was a healthy scepticism of overreaching Government and an active distrust of corporate media, especially when that media is taking large sums from Government. Did I mention the fully functioning BS radar? It's a crucial tool that all citizens should have in their personal armoury.

I don't see being trusting as a "moral failing." I have no doubt that the ranks of those who trust both Government and corporate media will diminish dramatically. Think of it like a software upgrade. More citizens will be equipped with that healthy scepticism, active distrust and BS radar turned on... this time in readiness for whatever comes next.

A special condemnation is reserved for all those non-expert but nonetheless shrill advocates of draconian policy that, moth-like, emerged out of every University orifice. In New Zealand it was Pink-Hair Lady. Thankfully it looks like she's slunk off back to some dark corner of academe's closet, now that the limelight and her moment of fame are over.

One of the saddest outcomes of the last two years is that faith in yet another institution has been damaged from being politicised. Healthcare. Many doctors knew there was another way but were silenced with threats to their livelihoods. People weren't getting medical advice based on their medical needs/profile, they were getting Government directives that looked more like they were designed to meet a political agenda and/or some contractual agreement. Did I mention that this benefited the bottom line of pharmaceutical companies? Individual healthcare became subservient to the aims of grandstanding politicians, medical bureaucrats with no actual practitioner experience, profit margins and a hyperventilating media.

The loss of faith in the medical industry may well be a factor in why vaccinations in general are down. For example, I've had the flu jab previously. Pfizer is in the last stages of trialling mRNA flu jabs. My response now? "Hell no!" I'd rather boost my natural immunity.

Dr. Oster implies it was some kind of fluke that allowed some of us to see through the fog of COVID hysteria. It's not a mystery. Some of us sought out second opinions, read widely and listened to people who were well credentialed, independent medical practitioners. People who corporate media and Big Tech (both of whom are sponsored by...Government and Big Pharma, especially Pfizer) relentlessly campaigned to have silenced. You would have to be utterly naive to think that the tens of billions in profit at stake weren't a motivator for the harassment and suppression of these principled medical people. It is already becoming evident these whistle-blowers were on the right side of history.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Rob Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Kulldorff, Dr. Gupta, Dr. Richard Urso and so many more who stood up in defiance and in the name of their medical oath, primum non nocere.

Close to a million experts disagreed with Dr. Fauci and Australasian Governments who took their cue from a Fauci controlled America

So, getting "it right" wasn't an accident, Dr. Oster. Losing your job, family, friends isn't "lucky" either. Some of us assessed that it was better than the risks that went with those jabs. In Tipping Point: Part 2, I detail a survey showing that not one unjabbed person regretted their decision. 44% of jabbed actively regretted it! Too many didn't have the luxury of making an informed decision. Too many were coerced into having a medical procedure against their will or better judgement. German blogger eugyppius doesn't mince words in response to Emily Oster's call for "amnesty".

she can take her proposal for pandemic amnesty and shove it all the way up her ass. I’m never going to forget what these villains did to me and my friends. It is just hard to put into words how infuriating it is, to read this breezy trivialisation of the absolute hell we’ve been through, penned by some comfortable and clueless Ivy League mommyconomist who is ready to mouth support for basically any pandemic policy that doesn’t directly affect her or her family and then plead that the horrible behaviour and policies supported by her entire social milieu are just down to ignorance about the virus. We knew everything we needed to know about SARS-2 already in February 2020. The pandemicists and their supporters crossed many bright red lines in their eradicationist zeal and ruined untold millions of lives. That doesn’t all just go away now.

Listen to the voice of the anguished father in the video below after his 7 year old son was rushed to hospital with myocarditis immediately after the jab. He recorded the exchange with a New Zealand pharmacy. You can feel his anger. Good luck telling him to get over it and move on.

The system that allowed for authoritarian and human rights abuses needs fixing, that much is clear. Fixing what's broken won't happen if it gets swept under the carpet with premature calls to move on. Those harmed deserve justice, not more gas-lighting, trivialisation and invalidation.

There are calls for Nuremberg style trials. That may well happen. I don't care what the fake (fact) checkers say. They also said the jab would stop transmission, this virus didn't come out of a lab and that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. Wrong on all counts! In the very least there will be aggressive US investigations into both Big Pharma and senior officials who drove policy that influenced the world. I trust there will be consequences for those who did wrong.

So no, Dr. Oster, there will be no amnesty and no quarter either!