
Climate Catastrophism Is A Cult!

Climate Catastrophism Is A Cult!

First world European countries who drank the climate catastrophist Kool Aid are now facing a winter of discontent, poverty and deprivation - but only for the little people.
8 min read
Watching Dominoes Fall

Watching Dominoes Fall

Huge effort went in to convincing the world that the origins of Covid was a wet market. Evidence has emerged that it likely originated in lab doing gain of function research, possibly in the US first. Was the pandemic accidental or deliberate?
8 min read
Major Risk For Little Benefit

Major Risk For Little Benefit

A well designed study out of Thailand is showing 29.24% cardiovascular effects in the 301 jabbed youths who took part. Translation: cardiovascular adverse events are not rare, as we were told.
7 min read
"think the unthinkable..."

"think the unthinkable..."

We have a global political class in the grip of ideologically driven group think and we are being herded, somewhere. That much is clear.
6 min read
42,086 Is The Number

42,086 Is The Number

Pfizer's trial documents show that in just two months 42,086 people suffered an Adverse Event of Special Interest. We're now reaping what Governments have sown with the mass roll-out of novel vaccines.
7 min read
The Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Documents

The Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Documents

They tried to keep the clinical trial documents hidden for a reason! What the documents are shedding light on is that caution in having the novel medication was justified.
4 min read
Words That Pierce

Words That Pierce

If you haven't yet discovered this gem of a human being, please allow me to share.
1 min read
Too Busy To Stay Free?

Too Busy To Stay Free?

Is mass surveillance, social credit systems, Universal Basic Income (UBI) in exchange for autonomy and the end of private ownership (a Marxist principle) where we're headed? What is the digital architecture needed to achieve the steady creep of socialist authoritarianism?
9 min read
Who's Pulling The Strings?

Who's Pulling The Strings?

Using a senile leader to sign off on the most radical left agenda in American history has created the perfect conditions for despots and dictators with dastardly plans!
11 min read
Elon And The Bird

Elon And The Bird

Elon Musk's entry into social media may be a game-changer, challenging the suffocating effect of cancel culture. If this opens up the town-square to all again, it would be a great service to society and democracies the world over.
12 min read