
A Battle of Votes and Narratives

A Battle of Votes and Narratives

US midterms are important beyond the US. Investigations into COVID and those jabs won't happen, or won't result in outcomes with teeth, without Republican control of the Senate. There's a battle underway, not just for votes but also of the narratives. So what happened to the anticipated 'red wave'?
12 min read
An American National Treasure

An American National Treasure

One of the most important voices on what's actually happening in America and on the world stage is Dr. Victor Davis Hanson. In a recent article he predicts the Democrat's response after the US midterms on November 8.
5 min read
No Amnesty, No Quarter!

No Amnesty, No Quarter!

The calls to just move on have started. The system that allowed for authoritarian and human rights abuses needs fixing. Those harmed deserve justice, not more gas-lighting, trivialisation and invalidation with demands to move on.
6 min read
Tipping Point: Part 2

Tipping Point: Part 2

One of the most stunning revelations from a survey of around 50,000 people done in Australia recently, was that not one unjabbed person regretted their decision. 65% of jabbed people would have made an entirely different decision...
5 min read
"Expendable In The Name Of Something Else"

"Expendable In The Name Of Something Else"

It's the questionable ends that attempt to justify equally questionable means... that as citizens we must retain the freedom to question.
6 min read
The Other Side Of The Tipping Point

The Other Side Of The Tipping Point

A New York Supreme Court has ordered all employees fired for refusing the jab to be reinstated with backpay, calling the mandates "arbitrary and capricious." Weaknesses in Human Rights legislation need to be fixed, everywhere, so this never happens again.
3 min read
You Will Be Hungry And Own Nothing

You Will Be Hungry And Own Nothing

Not content with having stuffed energy security, the misanthropic, globalist political class seems mysteriously unified and intent on meddling with food security too. NZ's PM has bewildering plans to force sheep and cattle farmers to cut production.
6 min read
They Tore Us Apart On A Lie

They Tore Us Apart On A Lie

Bombshell revelations from European Parliament inquiry confirms that Pfizer never tested whether their jab would stop transmission. Government policies from mandates to passes were based on a lie. But who lied?
4 min read
3D Geopolitical Chess

3D Geopolitical Chess

Our dangerously naive and irresponsible politicians have left us vulnerable. This is the most precarious period since the 1930s. It's time for politicians to get off their 'climate' soapboxes, drop the costly and damaging eco-charade and get real. Before we find ourselves in checkmate.
9 min read
An Uncomfortable Journey

An Uncomfortable Journey

Thanks to new information obtained via FOIA by Public Interest Group, Judicial Watch, we know that those who resisted the vax withstood the biggest, most expensive, most comprehensive global propaganda campaign in history.
9 min read