5 min read

Tipping Point: Part 2

One of the most stunning revelations from a survey of around 50,000 people done in Australia recently, was that not one unjabbed person regretted their decision. 65% of jabbed people would have made an entirely different decision...
Tipping Point: Part 2

In The Other Side of the Tipping Point, I talked about feeling that at long last we were coming out of a dark period in recent history. This is something of a follow-up.

I read an encouraging article by The Vigilant Fox on Substack. Encouraging because we have further evidence we're on the other side. One of the most stunning revelations from a survey of around 50,000 people done in Australia recently, was that not one unjabbed person regretted their decision. This is despite all the mud-slinging, name-calling, persecution and relationships lost. Not one!

Image from The Vigilant Fox

Only 35% of 45,000 jabbed people said they would make the same decision again to get the shot. So 65% of jabbed people would have made an entirely different decision... had they been given the right information (correct legal informed consent) and/or not been coerced via threats to livelihood, and not been bombarded with Government propaganda 24/7? Wow! Vigilant Fox concludes,

I’ve been saying it; we are the majority. 65% of Australia is now against the recommendation of vaccines by their health department. I think we’re in the same place — when only 30% of those that got the vaccines are now getting the boosters.
Folks, it’s our moment. You should not be afraid to have this conversation with anybody right now. The odds are in your favor [that] the person you’re talking to is open to this conversation now.

There are of course people who aren't open to this conversation. Those who imbibed heavily of Government fear-messaging and who become bullies are still rationalising their behaviour. Then there are the many who adopted a misplaced moral stance resulting in shrill condemnations of the 'disobedient'.

In my view, Governments were instrumental in instigating the ugly side of some people to come to the fore. They weaponised fear. Long standing relationships, including in families, were put to the test and many didn't survive. For those who swallowed the propaganda, it's now hard to admit they comported themselves badly. They can't gracefully back down from that particular limb, even as it breaks beneath them.

As Elton sang, "sorry seems to be the hardest word. It's so sad, so sad it's a sad, sad situation and it's getting more and more absurd..."

They don't want to talk about it, and certainly don't want to know about the avalanche of data and research now emerging, as many of us always knew it would.

Dr. Guy Hatchard has taken the data from our Ministry of  Health (MoH) and put it in a form we can understand. He's sent an open letter to New Zealand Members of Parliament. The data is damning. So is the silence!

The latest MoH data on Covid deaths shows that 53% of the New Zealand population are boosted but account for 71% of Covid deaths, whereas 16% are unvaccinated and account for just 12% of deaths.
Still births per 1,000 in 2021 are up 10% compared to pre-pandemic rates and our birth rate per 1,000 population is down 10%.
All cause mortality has reached record levels in 2022, at one point 26% above historical levels. The number of excess all-cause deaths greatly exceeds the number attributed to Covid.
Graph courtesy of Dr. Guy Hatchard

A little while ago the New Zealand MoH did something sneaky with the data. They lumped unjabbed in with people who had one shot. The effect was to muddy the data so we couldn't get a clear signal between the cohorts - those who chose to stay jab free (effectively the Control Group) and those with one, two, three and more doses. Dr. Hatchard separates out those groups above.

If you've watched the interview with Dr. Ryan Cole, linked in my last post, you'll understand the mechanisms of why more double and triple jabbed people are ending up in hospital/dying. This isn't just about age, it's also about compromised immunity. Some countries are being transparent and leaked life insurance statistics from overseas (graph below) are also showing that many of those deaths are people in the 18 - 49 age group. For the first time in 100 years, life expectancy has gone down.

Graph from Edward Dowd courtesy of a report from the society of actuaries (SOA)

Data Analyst, Edward Dowd has just posted the excess mortality data below from Denmark, remarking,

[j]ust devastating…is it any wonder Denmark cancelled vaccines for under 50 and said getting Covid is preferred to vaccination.
Not just the old and frail mysteriously dying!

Drs. Cole and McCullough have an explanation as to why some people seemed to come through unscathed, at least so far, and some didn't. They propose it's about whether the medication had been stored properly and/or contents degraded by the time a person got their jab. According to them, if you got a degraded dose you might be one of the lucky ones. Obviously, with each shot the risk went up as we see in the graph from Denmark above.

Dr. Hatchard notes:

Our hospitals and emergency services are still overwhelmed and no one knows quite why. Overseas rates of cancer, cardiac events, and respiratory conditions are up where data is published, but the New Zealand figures are not being made available. Why?

I've been waiting to see some New Zealand data on stillbirths and birth-rates. The numbers above aren't surprising and reflect similar trends from overseas. Once again, if you've watched the interview with Dr. Cole, you'll understand the physiological mechanisms responsible. 2022 is almost done so the question is, will this concerning trend in stillbirths and lowered fertility continue in the wrong direction? Time will tell and only if we get the data. As to Dr. Hatchard's valid question regarding New Zealand data on cancer, cardiac events and respiratory conditions?

What we're seeing in the data from overseas is deeply concerning. My guess is there's a cover-up underway in New Zealand with forceful calls to just move on. It's a transparent attempt to duck accountability and deny justice!