10 min read

More Than An Oopsie In 'The Age Of Cruelty'

FOI documents in NZ, Australia and US confirm that Governments lied about the efficacy and safety of those jabs from the start. They used a tame, bought media who peddled propaganda and culturally divisive persecution to silence dissent.
More Than An Oopsie In 'The Age Of Cruelty'
When you come face to face with malevolence, what do you do? Fight, flight or freeze?

Last year I wrote about senior Pfizer Director J. Small admitting Pfizer never clinically tested their jab for stopping transmission. I asked then whether Pfizer had lied to our Government or whether our Government had lied to us? I now have the answer to that question. Our Government lied, as did others!

The certainty of that conclusion isn't based on hearsay, opinion or 'conspiracy', which some joke is but fact 6 months later. It's based on information contained in documents from Freedom of Information (FOI) processes in New Zealand, Australia and the US. Cynically, I assume the New Zealand Government are counting on a captive media to ensure the truth continues to be suppressed and most Kiwis remain oblivious. Thank goodness there are some independent media in New Zealand! In a fact packed article by Cranmer, they write the following,

The Pfizer vaccine was approved for use by New Zealand’s regulator, Medsafe on 3 February 2021. The development was immediately welcomed by then Prime Minister Ardern who stated, “Medsafe’s decision is the culmination of a rigorous assessment process over many months to ensure the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is safe and effective to use here. It is informed by the most up-to-date medical and scientific data. We can have confidence in their decision.”

Cranmer continues, "[h]owever, in reality, the government’s representation of Medsafe’s assessment was overstated. Specifically, Medsafe’s clinical assessment found:"

“The duration of the vaccine protection has not been established beyond two months. At this stage, there is limited evidence of protection against severe disease.There is no long term safety follow-up information. Vaccine prevention of asymptomatic infection and disease transmission has not been established.”

Medsafe concluded:

"The benefit risk balance of Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) for active immunisation to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals 16 years of age and older, is not clear. At this stage, there is evidence only for short-term protection, and longer-term safety data are lacking. However, experience with the vaccine is accumulating rapidly.'

So our Government knew all this 6 - 8 months before they even rolled out the jabs! Read those last two sentences again and recall you were told that the jab had gone through robust clinical trials and it was not experimental. Now consider the implications.

Our Government knowingly lied so people would line up to get jabbed en masse. They brought in mandates and vaccine passes on known falsehoods - they knew it didn't stop you getting nor transmitting the virus. They then proceeded to persecute anyone coming to the same conclusions as Bloomfield and MedSafe, even inviting corporates and citizens alike to a pitchfork mob style pile-on, with lashings of sanctimonious bigotry.

If our Government could do all that, what else could they do? It should be sending a shiver up your spine - this was medical tyranny and politically motivated malevolence against anyone who was informed and dared to speak up. They wanted citizens to remain ignorant of what they were actually putting in their bodies. This is one of the most fundamental rights we have! They were ok with sacrificing people for short-term political optics and winning another election.

Cranmer's article takes around 15 minutes to read and is densely packed with direct evidentiary quotes from Medsafe documents. It is worth reading in full because it lays bare the level of deception and manipulation New Zealand citizens have been subjected to.

Let's turn to Australia where an FOI obtained document from the TGA, albeit heavily redacted, confirms that like the New Zealand Medical Bureaucracy, they knew there were serious gaps in safety data with clinical tests you would expect to be done, not done. They itemise all the places in the body that the lipid nanoparticles (the fluid which carries the instruction to make the spike protein... and which is only liquid at freezing... human bodies are warmer than freezing...) travels to - liver, brain, heart, ovaries, testes, bone marrow...all over the body and most organs.

Governments lied here too, reassuring people that the 'vaccine' stayed at the site of injection. Clearly, this was disinformation. Similarly, at no point did Pfizer test how long the body would continue to make the spike protein. In other words how long the toxin stayed in the human body although there's research showing up to 4 - 5 months post jab. It could be longer. We don't know as no-one has yet done the research. They didn't test the impact on immunity. The list goes on.

Dr. John Campbell goes through the TGA document findings here and here. You can see him getting visibly disturbed by what's contained in the document and the implications for the health of people who got the jab (including himself), as well as Governments concealing this information from citizens. What's left un-redacted is bad enough. Dr. Campbell openly wonders how bad the redacted parts are?

Last but not least, in the US documents also obtained via FOIA confirm that the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) expected large numbers of people to be injured (40% seriously) following 'vaccination'. Investigative Journalist, Daniel Horowitz, covers the revelation in his article here. He writes,

based on newly released FOIA documents from the CDC, that our government knew about and even anticipated massive reports of injuries from these shots from day one.
Hebrew University Professor Josh Guetzkow reveals, not only did the CDC know about the vaccine injuries blowing up VAERS at record levels (even before the general public had access to them), the agency contracted with defense contractor General Dynamics to handle the database in anticipation of record use. Then, when the vaccines were released, the CDC had to up the contract to account for even more entries, yet showed no moral qualms about continuing with the campaign without disclosing these revelations to the public.

Professor Guetzkow (linked above) makes the following chilling observation:

these monthly reports read like a casualty report from a battlefield or a way to keep track of the body count. The thing that strikes me the most is the antiseptic, bureaucratic tone of the whole thing, reminiscent of Hannah Arendt’s treatise on The Banality of Evil where she discusses the ways in which NAZI bean counters went about murdering millions during WWII with bureaucratic sterility. They are cataloguing a mass casualty event and the significance of the deluge of reports is reduced to a question of billable hours, adequate server space, and how to streamline the processing of this massive catalogue of human suffering. But hey, they’re just doing the job they were hired to do, right?

So in addition to lying about the efficacy of the jab and persecution of anyone questioning, they've been lying about the rate of adverse reactions. The Safe 'n' Effective mantra that you were bombarded with on all channels, and reassurances that adverse reactions were "rare", was propaganda. Constant repetition is a brainwashing tactic. They played Russian Roulette with lives and anyone injured is mere collateral damage! Recall Jacinda Ardern admonishing people to only listen to the Government as the "one source of truth". It was creepy then and in light of what we now know, chilling!

In this piece by Alexandra Marshall, she asks whether the 'vaccines' were a political treatment for public fear? She writes,

Given that politicians had recklessly endorsed ‘fear’ as their primary tool to court public obedience during the opening months of Covid, I wanted to know if the vaccines were a way to treat public fear and bring it down to a manageable level. How else can you calm a terrified population except to offer them absolute safety with a single-shot wonder drug?

It won Jacinda Ardern another term, didn't it?

The only silver lining I can find is that Medsafe and Dr. Bloomfield had done their job properly and it might explain why there was a delay in the 'vaccines' arriving in New Zealand. The decision to go ahead with jabbing almost the entire population, including mandates, wasn't based on health or even science, it was political.

Given that the concerns of Medsafe and Bloomfield were similar in content to those who refused to get jab, including the legalities of breaching New Zealand's Bill of Rights, the decision to ostracise and persecute the unjabbed was ugly, damaging and culturally divisive politics at its worst! They deliberately turned citizen against citizen. Families were torn apart by this lie. People lost jobs, businesses, kids kicked out of sporting events...and traumatised by bullying. All knowingly based on lies.

What were Bloomfield and others at Medsafe thinking as they watched the hysterical reaction to the mRNA jab-wary, whose crime was to come to the same conclusions they had? People questioning weren't necessarily special. They had sought second opinions and listened to independent experts with the same, if not greater, knowledge than Bloomfield. Experts who were not beholden to any Government servicing political ends. Nor were they on the Big Pharma payroll meeting financial imperatives at the expense of lives and health, as too many in our health system are so compromised.

Newly anointed 'Sir' Ashley Bloomfield, knighted for his 'services' during the crazy Covid era, is now seeking to deny his own concerns around lack of safety data as well as the exponential rise in All Cause Mortality. How unfortunate those 'services' for which he was knighted didn't extend to being candid with the New Zealand population...? As Dr. Guy Hatchard notes in this article:

Allowing for an increase in the population of New Zealand since 2019 of 269,000, excess deaths are running approximately 17% above 2019 rates and 24% higher than the excess death rate over the same six week period in 2022. In other words, the rate of excess deaths appears to be accelerating.

New Zealand isn't alone in these worrying health trends and Hatchard regularly covers the international data. In this article (linked here), Dr Hatchard questions Bloomfield's denial of the rising death rate in New Zealand. Keep in mind that as New Zealand rolled out those jab from the end of 2021 into 2022, the dominant strain has been mild Omicron.

People are falling sick and dying in record numbers, but the government, Te Whatu Ora, the media, and Sir Ashley Bloomfield are reassuring everybody it would have been a lot worse if they hadn’t taken the vaccine. In fact, the reverse is true and is even being admitted by prestigious science journals like the Lancet. The unvaccinated have higher natural immunity. In fact, this has been known to science for nine months (see here).
Just stop for a moment and think, if Sir Ashley Bloomfield and others involved in the formation and promotion of Covid policy were to publicly admit this, they would face public censure and possibly even criminal charges. So apparently the culprits are determined that this is not going to happen.

In short, arse covering!

Ask yourself this. If you had known that this novel medication that instructs your body to make the toxic spike protein, had known gaps in safety data, provided little protection (lasting mere months), didn't stop transmission nor you getting severely ill and potentially may result in severe injury or even death, would you have taken it once, let alone many times?  Whether you answered yes or no, the point is you would have done so on the basis of Informed Consent. Not one Kiwi who had the jab was given correct, legally required Informed Consent!

Not all of us enjoy being treated patronisingly like children and lied to. In the very least a social contract has been broken. For some of us trust in Government is lost forever and in the medical industry in general. Alexandra Marshall pertinently asks, as I have previously,

When, in history, has the medical community turned its back on helping sick people like it did during Covid?
It makes you wonder how much corporate power was involved in the lucrative sale of vaccines that saw them pitched as the one and only route to salvation.

Our future collective safety may come to rest on more people developing scepticism and critical thinking skills. Similarly, we need to drop the delusion that our Government, and so-called Opposition (because it really isn't), are honest and have Kiwis' best interests at heart. Despite this documentary evidence emerging both National and Act are continuing to double-down rather than admit their own failings and then hold the Government accountable.

Like most things in our world now, this sorry episode comes back to politics, power and greed. They were willing to lie to get you to take that damn jab and they'll lie to get out of being held accountable! They know the equally culpable legacy media in New Zealand will suppress the truth via censorship and more name-calling. Inconvenient research and data have been steadily rolling in. Not that you'd know this if you get your 'news', and I use that term loosely, from Government sanctioned/paid for channels, like the NZ Herald (NZ's version of the Pyongyang Times).

It's not in the interests of those who forcibly pushed a novel medication, despite the lack of safety data and shortcomings in efficacy, to come clean on the consequences. They're actively avoiding accountability by pretending the research and data doesn't exist. That these FOI documents from New Zealand, Australia and the US, that are packed with evidence of medical malfeasance, don't exist. They hope you'll not notice, move on, or at the very least get distracted with a transparent direction to "look over there..."

I understand the desire to escape from a corrupt world gone nuts - that's freeze or flight. I've felt this way since 2020. We've witnessed and experienced things we never thought we would in this century and in our life-times; not in societies we thought were based on freedom and individual autonomy. Not in countries that pitch themselves as the opposite of authoritarian and with a Human Rights Framework (in NZ our Bill of Rights). We've learned some tough lessons and the adage that history has an unfortunate habit of repeating, is ringing true, as Guetzkow observes above.

For those of us who've been awake to the deception from early on, this documentary evidence is still shocking and appalling. The absence of ethical and moral reasoning is simply stunning and deeply worrying for our future. They knew they were maiming and killing...and they carried on, even mandating to age groups for whom the risk of Covid was low, such as healthy young people. Even babies and pregnant women weren't off limits. I can't remember who said it, but they termed this time as "The Age of Cruelty." I think there's something in that. There's a reason most human societies have a concept of evil.

The last three years gave us a glimpse behind the curtain and we got to see just how fragile societies based on democracy and freedom were and how quickly our leaders could default to authoritarianism, deception and manipulation. We've seen the ugly face of medical tyranny and mob hysteria whipped up from constant fear-mongering propaganda. It's shown unequivocally that even as our societies might evolve, some aspects of human behaviour are perennial and barbarous.

Despite the understandable desire for 'flight' from the awful truth, now is the time to arm yourself with the knowledge to 'fight'. I'm not talking in a literal sense, but figuratively. This should be an awakening, however uncomfortable.

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