3 min read

When It Doesn't Make Sense

The harder they push the illogical, the more my instincts tell me to pay attention.
When It Doesn't Make Sense
Plagues, pox and pestilence

There's a good interview with Dr Martin Kulldorf, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He talks about the likely benefits to older people of vaccination, how lockdowns simply delay the inevitable and the superiority of natural immunity.

He points to history to show human beings have understood the concept of natural immunity for millennia, giving examples of where the recovered were the very people they used to care for the sick during plagues. In this context he raises the illogic of nurses being fired for not getting a jab, even when they can show they've had COVID and recovered.

He's drawing on the research from Israel showing the naturally immune had 27 times better immunity than the vaccinated. They're the best people to have working in hospitals, particularly with the vulnerable and aged. He's also referencing research showing the limited durability of the vaccines in comparison to natural immunity and the issue of transmissibility, irrespective of vaccination status.

Dr Kulldorf simply acknowledges that it seems illogical to be firing the very people who are most valuable in an already stretched health system. He leaves it there. We keep being told to follow the science. Well, 'the science' is clear and the people ignoring it are those telling us to follow it. Are you following that? When something simply doesn't make sense, it often points to other agendas.

Why, in other parts of the world, are they pushing so hard for people with superior natural immunity to also have the full course of vaccine? In no other illness do they vaccinate on top of naturally acquired immunity. There are risks too. Dr Robert Malone warns of the potential to damage natural T cell immunity - increasing someone's susceptibility to future strains. More is not always better.

Given the research on waning efficacy and transmissibility, why is the New Zealand Government continuing to push vaccine mandates? These are to be followed by 'vaccination certificates', a digital passport by another name. If you want to know what we're in for, then look at Gibraltar. The tiny nation has full vaccination but despite this has experienced a spike in breakthrough cases.

The New Zealand Government is stoking fear in the vaccinated, pitting them against the unvaccinated. Why, exactly, do the protected need protecting from the unprotected? The Government would know the vaccinated can spread COVID just as easily. If new variant, Omicron, manages to get a foothold in New Zealand, the vaccinated will be as unprotected as the unvaccinated - no passport will stop that.

The pharmaceutical industry has already swung into action with plans to update existing boosters or create new vaccines to combat Omicron. I know people who have had reactions after the first shots. They're hesitant to go another booster-round, even for Delta. If Omicron turns out to be even less severe for healthy people, as one Doctor in South Africa is saying, why would people want to vaccinate for it? Is the pharmaceutical industry literally banking on mandates?

There's a sobering article in The Washington Post, detailing the tactics this industry uses to ensure profits. Included are attack ad campaigns against US politicians who try to reduce medication costs and huge sums donated to others. The amounts given in lobbying are phenomenal, but so are the payoffs if legislation goes Big Pharma's way. Many of the COVID decisions that get made in America seem to get mirrored in New Zealand, uncritically so. It begs the question. Is this even about our health anymore, or profits for an industry and power for others?

The people making health decisions in New Zealand will be aware of 'the science'. Yet they're continuing down the path of mandates and passports, vilifying and marginalising those exercising their lawful right to medical choice. I have a healthy scepticism and natural distrust of Government. More so when its goal is to grow at our expense and they're trying to take away human rights, for our own good of course. Too often politicians are driven by either ideology or the need for power, or both. They can be weak or known for shady spin, not their honesty.

So much doesn't make sense and the harder they push the illogical, the more my instincts tell me to pay attention. Until I know what this is really about, I will go forward on the assumption that my health and well-being is a higher priority to me, than it is to some technocrat or politician in Wellington.