9 min read

An Uncomfortable Journey

Thanks to new information obtained via FOIA by Public Interest Group, Judicial Watch, we know that those who resisted the vax withstood the biggest, most expensive, most comprehensive global propaganda campaign in history.
An Uncomfortable Journey

In August I wrote a post titled "think the unthinkable", which was a quote from the ever brilliant social historian and archeologist, Neil Oliver. In that article I observed how the dangerous phenomenon of Group Think was being played out in our current context and what appeared to me to be an orchestrated campaign to ensure conformity.

This post is something of an update because we now have the evidence it was the biggest and most complex, comprehensive global campaign to push the 'vaccination' narrative, simultaneously delegitimising dissenting voices, in our history. We are now dealing with the repercussions of that campaign.

In the US a public interest group known as Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit under the US Freedom of Information Act requesting records related to the US Department of Health and Human Services Covid-19 Community Corps and "trusted messenger" program. These documents are not just relevant to the US. The structure of this campaign was the blueprint for other countries, be it NZ, Australia, UK, Germany, France etc. Our Governments slavishly copied the US. Our media uncritically regurgitated what was being 'planted' in US corporate media. We were part of that orchestrated campaign.

Independent investigative writer, Leo Hohmann, has written a great article detailing the bombshell release of these records and what they confirm. He writes,

If you felt pressure to “get vaccinated” and now regret it, don’t feel bad. If you never saw the need to get “vaccinated,” or if you, like myself, felt an overwhelming sense that you would never get vaccinated no matter what new incentive or high-pressure tactic the globalist predators rolled out, then congratulate yourself.
Because now, thanks to reams of new information obtained by the public-interest group Judicial Watch, we know that those who resisted the vaxx resisted the biggest, most expensive, most comprehensive global propaganda campaign in world history. I can’t imagine what would even come in as a close second in terms of the scope of this operation. This was a technocratic full-court press.

The campaign went as far as working with Big Tech giants such as Google (YouTube), Twitter and Facebook to seed and censor. Identifying platforms to target youth (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok) and getting influencers on those platforms to show themselves getting jabbed. They had a plan to identify what they called a "trusted messenger" to go on high profile shows, specifically naming the Joe Rogan show and Barstool Sports, both of which reach tens of millions of people. They went as far as working with Hollywood to embed vaccination messaging into scripted and reality TV shows, even those targeting the very young.

Watch this short video called Are the kids ok? It shows how the young and impressionable were recruited for vaccine trials, how they then marketed to kids to normalise adverse events like myocarditis and, pardon the pun, heartrending whistle-blower testimony from those who were treating damaged kids. It's eye-opening and appalling!

From Are the kids ok?

Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton, said in their press release,

These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine. It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!

Scroll to the bottom of the Judicial Watch press release and you'll see listed and linked all the other evidence they've unearthed via FOIA. A damning picture is emerging.

As a side note, it looks like the attempt to 'influence' influencer, Joe Rogan, was an epic fail. If CNN's resident Doctor, Sanjay Gupta, was the "trusted messenger" to influence adults and not just easy targets like children, then the only conclusion to draw was that Rogan ran rings around him. He even got Gupta to admit that CNN's deliberate demonisation of Ivermectin as "horse dewormer" was false (disinformation) and something they shouldn't have done. This medication has been around for decades and is prescribed to hundreds of millions of people all over the world!

Rogan famously got Covid-19 early on and was prescribed this drug and others by his Doctor. He got through the illness easily in a couple of days, despite some sick souls wishing pain and suffering upon him. Gupta was forced to admit that having had Covid, Rogan now had superior natural immunity making a jab on top illogical. You can watch the short clip here. I wonder if Gupta got paid for such a fail?

The propaganda campaign wasn't just about pushing the vax narrative. It also involved a co-ordinated smear and character assassination campaign of anyone offering a different opinion based on their decades of professional expertise. The hit jobs were planted in compliant US media, which were then picked up by corporate media in other countries. Careers and reputations of people formerly recognised as world leaders in their fields, have been damaged by speaking out. Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Jayanta "Jay" Bhattacharya, Dr Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta to name but a few.

It may be somewhat cold comfort to Dr Bhattacharya, one of authors of The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD), but evidence has emerged of frantic emails between Fauci and Collins, Directors of the NIH, with a plan to smear and delegitimise Dr Bhattacharya, Dr Kulldorf and Dr. Gupta as "fringe" and so discredit any notion of a measured and focussed approach to dealing with the virus. These are professors from Harvard, Oxford, Stanford - the best universities in the world. There's the allegation that Fauci may have used his ability to fund research at universities as a lever to silence/intimidate these professors and others.

From the GBD.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Time is already showing that Doctors Bhattacharya, Kulldorf and Gupta, not to mention the 932,800+ doctors and scientists who signed the GBD, were on the right side of history. Lockdowns are now seen as ineffective, saving few lives, not stopping infection spread but causing major economic harm. Masking does little but induce fear - see evidence list here. Masking and keeping healthy kids out of school does long term damage to social skill development, mental health and educational achievement. Mass jabbing carries the risk of mass adverse events - more on that below.

Questions are now being asked over Dr. Fauci's personal financial interests in pharmaceutical companies that stood to gain from a policy of mandates. It's not just Fauci though. Companies like Pfizer are the biggest sponsor of both media and US politicians, many of whom hold shares.

This was a propaganda juggernaut with tens of billions in Big Pharma profit at stake. No professional whistleblowers were allowed to obstruct the 'war against the virus' and the (futile) aim of 'zero Covid' (that was pure propaganda). The real aim was to get the jab (two, three, four and more)...into every arm in the world, irrespective of need or even safety as we're now seeing with harms done to kids, for example. I've already detailed in previous posts here, research showing 29.24% cardiovascular adverse reactions in the young.

Healthy kids weren't at risk from more pathogenic strains and even less at risk from Omicron. We already know the jabs don't stop you getting nor transmitting the virus, yet kids were a target for the jabbathon? This was about profit over safety and need.

I've always had faith that the truth inevitably outs. This is happening now with both independent medical research and records/data revealing what was previously hidden, although suspected. It's beginning to snowball as I always thought it would. There's the recent release of V-safe data that the CDC tried to hide. Dr. Steve Kirsch details the key findings in his article here.

The v-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials.

There's the alarming increases in excess all cause mortality - 84% in the age cohort 25 - 44, for example. That's a whole lot of young working age people mysteriously dying! Or, how about this data below from the US showing the exponential rise in people disabled? Similar alarming trends in both excess all cause mortality and disability are seen in other highly jabbed countries.

One of the few silver linings is that those "petty tyrants", as Neil Oliver calls them, who stridently demanded punitive action against the disobedient (including incarceration) and forced/mandated 'vaccination' are noticeably going quiet. Thankfully, for the time being at least.

Despite the corporate medias' best efforts to have you look the other way and just 'move on' (because they share culpability) and the ongoing efforts of Big Tech to censor, I predict that more people will come to the uncomfortable conclusion that I, and others such as Neil Oliver, have come to - institutions and authorities might not have our best interests at heart, certainly not if it gets in the way of money, politics or ideological agendas.

The virus stopped scaring me long ago. It's the irrational behaviour of people whipped up on fear and the opportunity for those with an inner tyrant to be let loose, that made me nervous. It was the seemingly co-ordinated, almost scripted authoritarian actions of Governments the world over and their use of police against citizens, which has left me wary and worried for our future.

How quickly they abandoned long established principles of human rights. I'm in no doubt that the most immediate threat to our freedoms and rights isn't outside our countries but within. In his excellent essay about the woke war on free-speech and 21st century authoritarianism, Spiked writer Brendan O'Neill, made the following observation.

If you want a picture of the future, don’t imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever – imagine Jacinda Ardern putting her arm around your shoulder and telling you with a toothy smile that you’re going to have to sacrifice your liberty to save the world from chaos.

O'Neill's essay about "the shocking speech she gave at the UN" recently should be required reading for all New Zealanders. Neil Oliver comes to similar conclusions. It was chilling and especially so given the topic of this post and what we're now finding out.

Over-zealous, authoritarian over-reach has done irreparable damage. The best word I can find is trauma. Distrust, not to mention fury, will only mount as more evidence emerges on the extent of manipulation/coercion and the health disaster now unfolding. Acknowledging this may be difficult but this is no time to be the proverbial ostrich with head buried, as Ardern's recent UN speech demonstrates.

The release of the Judicial Watch records should help people understand the lengths Governments and their institutions will go to, to shape what you know and think and nudge you in the direction of their choosing. I use the word 'nudge' deliberately because the UK actually has a 'Nudge Unit' (Behavioural Insight Team). It's purpose, especially during Covid, was to advise UK Government on how to better psychologically manipulate the population.

I want to finish by repeating a quote from Neil Oliver, because it sums up the uncomfortable journey that more of us are making. At the other end of that journey I hope is a kind of enlightenment or at least freedom from delusion?

It's hard to think the unthinkable but there comes a time when there's nothing else for it. People raised to trust the powers that be, who have assumed as I once did, that the state, regardless of its political flavour at any given moment, is essentially benevolent and well-meaning.
People like you and me were raised on the understanding that we are free. That we have inalienable rights and that the institutions of this country have our best interests at heart - will tend to tie ourselves in knots rather than contemplate the idea that those authorities might actually be working against us now.

We need to stay alert to the incremental steps to remove rights and freedoms (for our own good, of course) with increased censorship and control via digital technology. We need to safe-guard the rights and freedoms many of our forebears fought or died for last century - speech, thought, movement, association, bodily autonomy...the right to disagree.