6 min read

"Expendable In The Name Of Something Else"

It's the questionable ends that attempt to justify equally questionable means... that as citizens we must retain the freedom to question.
"Expendable In The Name Of Something Else"
One of the mummified sacrificial children found in 1999.

I'm haunted, to this day, by the images of three perfectly preserved children found high in the very dry Atacama Desert in what is now Northern Chile. The picture above is of the girl aged around 15. In the same burial site was a 6 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. 500 or more years might have passed but they look like they were put there yesterday.

Did they not know their fate and trustingly followed the adults leading them? If they did know, I can imagine the terror of these little ones as they made the arduous journey to their final resting place. Testing of hair showed the children had been fed large amounts of cocaine and scientists were able to establish they had been dispatched through asphyxiation. Our modern sensibilities find it hard to comprehend the thinking behind deliberately putting children to death.

Neil Oliver discussed this amazing discovery recently as "a testament to something awful" - the cultural practice of ritual sacrifice. It's 16 minutes worth listening to! His insights into the structure of Inca society are compelling, especially in how it can inform us, or warn us, over what we're seeing re-emerge in our modern world. The Incas were a society that comprised a ruling class (the Inca) and everyone else, who weren't citizens but rather subjects who belonged to this ruling class. Subjects could be consumed by the state as expendable, including in large scale sacrifices to 'the gods' for whatever benefit they thought it might bring. Health, wealth, good weather and crops?

He draws parallels to more recent events in our history where the same belief in the expendability of individuals for the greater good resulted in tens of millions of deaths and deprivation for many more. Hitler's Holocaust, Stalin's purges for The Party, Mao's Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot's Killing Fields in Cambodia. All believed in the supremacy of their beliefs and ideology and that the end (their vision of utopia) justified the means. What they all had in common was a disregard for human life. Neil Oliver observes,

Any time in recent history where some group of lunatics have set out to build the road to utopia, it's a corduroy road of corpses laid side by side and out of sight. It's all you get from these ideologies. For different reasons individuals are still being cast aside as being lesser than and subject to the greater good, the greater need of the state. That is what happened amongst the Olmecs, the Mayans, the Aztecs and the Incas. It is what was happening in Soviet Russia and Mao's China...nothing changes.

Fast forward to the current time and the only thing that seems to have changed is the particular 'entity' we sacrifice to. Our ability to deceive ourselves over the morality of what we're doing is not dissimilar to that of the Inca.

We're being told that in order to save the planet (Gaia is the 'god') farmers need to reduce their animal stock and use of fertiliser. There will be worldwide cuts in food production and those who will suffer most are the poor and middle classes in the West, and in nations whose currency can't compete to purchase a now constrained supply of food. It's deliberately engineered starvation. Are most of us to become collateral damage in the quest for the greater good of saving the planet in 100 years?

Since 2020 we've experienced sovereignty and sanctity of individuals being cast aside, this time in the quest to beat a virus. In 2021 mandates and passes were rushed into being on the basis an Emergency Use Authorised (EUA) jab was adequate to stop transmission of the virus. That turned out to be a known and blatant falsehood from the start. We were lied to for the greater good with our rights stripped. We became subjects.

In America, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) advisors just voted to include this jab in the routine schedule for children, which means it would become mandatory for all 5 year olds to attend school in the US. Many children have already had the virus so only around 3% of American parents have chosen to do this voluntarily. I suspect the recommendation has little to do with the health of children. Fortunately many States are on record saying they'll legally block it, if passed.

Pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole, notes that healthy children weren't at risk of the previous more virulent strains of the virus, even less at risk of Omicron and what he calls "Coldvid." He notes the European countries that have recently pulled the jabs for most of their population. In Norway it's not recommended for those under 65 (unless they have a pre-existing condition) and just recently in the UK they quietly dropped it for anyone under 50.

If you have a spare hour, the interview with Dr Cole on what he and other pathologists are seeing in their labs is worth the time. The content is deeply concerning but I fundamentally believe it's better for people to know the truth rather than put themselves at risk by living with illusion.

From ‘Wildfire Cancers’ to Foot-Long Clots, Dr. Ryan Cole Explains the Dangers of the Spike Protein
I sit down again with pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole for an update on the alarming trends he and ...

On the risk of myocarditis, Dr. Cole warns that there's no such thing as 'safe' myocarditis, contrary to corporate media and Government efforts to 'normalise' this condition. It can be subclinical, meaning people don't know they have heart inflammation until they've had a cardiac arrest. It can leave scarring making the heart muscle "stiffer and less elastic". "The long term outcome for myocarditis patients, statistically, isn't great", says Dr Cole. Renowned expert in cardiology, Dr. Peter McCullough, has said exactly the same. He categorically challenges the narrative that the huge increase in cases is somehow within the range of normal. I've already covered research showing  30% cardiac adverse events in youth who took part in a study to test the safety of the Pfizer jabs.

In short, for healthy young people with robust innate immunity, the risks of the jab outweigh any possible benefit. So the unanimous decision by CDC advisors suggests other agendas are to the forefront. It might include fear of career reprisal (loss of livelihood) by huge pharmaceutical corporations. In the US Big Pharma wields power through funding medical institutions, including the FDA. There's the huge sponsorship of politicians and corporate media, who have become little more than paid attack-dogs peddling smear and character assassination. Dr. Cole assesses the situation as follows:

We see the statistics around the world, we see other nations doing the right thing by stopping this, and we're putting a young generation in harm's way for a disease for which they're at no risk? And it makes no sense. There's no common sense in there, there's no logic for us to be doing this. This is not medicine. This is...who knows? Power, corruption, I don't know but this isn't medicine.
This is an experiment. This is not an approved shot because if it were an approved shot, after a handful of these myocarditis signals...Why don't we have (Pfizer's) Comirnaty in the US? Because all that reporting would go into the federal agencies and they would have to pull it from the market! Why do we still only have the EUA experimental products on the market? Because they have liability protection. So they can harm the hearts of children, they can kill children with their spike protein... but they have no repercussions for it, so that's why we're not giving children an approved product because it would be pulled off the market, post haste.  

Are 21st Century children to be put in harm's way, in the name of corporate profit and shareholder dividend? If so,"it's a testament to something awful!" As Neil Oliver noted above, "nothing changes."

The bigger picture is a creeping callousness and inhumanity, with people increasingly perceived as subjects to be manoeuvred and controlled by the State. If we're harmed, we're simply collateral damage and "expendable in the name of something else"... like the war on a virus that for most was 99.97% survivable even in its more pathogenic form.

It's the questionable ends that attempt to justify equally questionable means... that as citizens we must retain the freedom to question.

Some last wise words from Neil Oliver,

Anything that is prepared to say the ends justify the means, the sacrifice of the many is to be tolerated, because it's for the greater good, you have to stop at that point. That can't happen, that should not happen because at any point where the sovereignty and sanctity of any individual is sacrificed, there's something wrong. It's a warning sign. Always. Whenever you hear a Government or anybody else say, for the greater good, prick up your ears because something bad is coming and it may be coming for you.